Return Policy
Due to health and safety concerns, we can not accept return of e-liquid. However, if we messed up, don't worry, we'll make it right. Please contact our Customer Service if you have any issues.
If you need to return an item you received in error, simply use the Support link at the top of the website and submit a request. A customer service agent will email you back an RMA #, please return the products and any materials that came with the products back to the address provided.
We can ship to virtually any address in the world. Note that there are restrictions on some products, and some products cannot be shipped to international destinations. If your shipping destination is not in our list, don't sweat. Shoot and e-mail to and we'll figure out if we can ship to your destination and we'll provide an approximate shipping cost.
U.S shipping:
When you place an order, we will estimate shipping and delivery dates for you based on the availability of your items and the shipping options you choose. Depending on the shipping provider you choose, shipping date estimates may appear on the shipping quotes page. Due to recent changes in the USPS shipping methods, and as they work out their cost saving changes, we have seen some orders take longer than normal to arrive at the destination. Delivery times should fall within the 3-7 days time frame, however, it is possible the packages may take longer. When you track the package on using the tracking number provided in the shipping confirmation email, if you see that the package has been scanned into the USPS tracking system, the USPS now has control and there is nothing more we can do to expedite the delivery.
International Shipping:
We offer shipping to Canada at a flat rate, as well as some other international destinations. We are continually looking for new destinations to ship to and we anticipate all international destinations being available shortly. International orders can not be tracked by normal process, and we are not responsible for delayed shipments, or orders that might be stalled in customs. International shipments could take up to 3 weeks while the package is in transit. Please be patient.